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FCS file seems to be corrupted

FCS file seems to be corrupted

In a FCS file, the count of cells  is written in the HEADER. In the DATA segment of the FCS file, the measurements table is written and its count of cells should match the count of the header. When the read.FCS function of the flowCore package detects that counts are not the same, it stops […]

R and cytometry: packages

R and cytometry: packages

There are many packages on Bioconductor, CRAN and GitHub to build and improve workflows. Here are the essentials. Rafael Gottardo leads a fabulous team (Greg Finak, Mike Jiang, Jake Wagner) that develops the core packages for flow cytometry. These packages provide examples (vignettes). Looking at the results of those packages is valuable, at least to […]

Harmonize panels, script

Harmonize panels, script

Here we show how to install packages and how to carry out a panel harmonization. Installation Only once per R installation, i.e. whenever you install a new version of R. # 2020-05-11: tested with R4.0.0 # 2020-03-24: update the github location of cytulis library(devtools) # cytutils is installed by the next command # install_github(“ismmshimc/cytutils”) # […]